Plan Administration

Organize and Automate Administration

Gone are the days where using spreadsheets makes business sense. PensionPro was built by TPAs specifically for TPAs. We speak fee schedules and plan cycles.

Track your Plan Cycles

PensionPro gives you the tools to manage critical deadlines effectively and efficiently. Move firm tracking to PensionPro where employees can view their plan load and easily identify what is outstanding with the click of a button, while managers have the capability to see the status of plans firm-wide. With the ability to organize information by plan name, period end, or any milestone in between, tracking errors are a thing of the past.

Never lose track of Fee Schedules

Tracking Fee Schedule Templates in PensionPro is easy. Users can manage their Fee Schedules on a company-wide scale using our Power Tools. By adding Fee Schedules to a tracked Plan, users can customize the Fee Schedule to the individual Plan. Users can see the current Fee Schedule as well as any historical Fee Schedules stored in PensionPro.

Plan Documents Simplified

Maintain Plan Document Specifications for any Plan stored in PensionPro. The specifications make it easy to customize client communications, enhance customer service, and launch projects that may only apply to certain plan types or statuses. PensionPro also provides at-a-glance views of Document Specifications to users so there is less need to access your document software.

Timely and Transparent Distributions

From application validation to updating census information, the distribution tool provides a streamlined, automated process. This feature allows your clients to monitor distribution statuses with an online, real-time progress tracker.

Never Miss a Deadline

Our Event Management feature replaces the spreadsheets that track all of your due dates and monitors what work is left to be completed when a deadline is approaching. What’s due in November? April PYE 5500’s, January PYE extended 5500 filings, ADP/ACP for Aug PYE? How many projects are left and who is responsible to complete the work? You don’t have to guess with PensionPro.

Illustration of deadlines

Document Generation With One Click

Document Merge is a major time-saving feature that allows documents to be created, stored, uploaded, downloaded and sent directly through PensionPro. It is highly customizable and flexible to serve all correspondence, notices, and event creation. When you merge a document through PensionPro you know that the formatting is correct, your data fields are consistent, your letterhead has your company’s logo and you can build distribution lists to any specifications.

Plan Administration is one of our core service offerings and PensionPro is critical to how we accomplish that. The customization to the way we work is remarkable.

Matt Schoneman
Matt Schoneman Customer Since 2012 PresidentThe Retirement Advantage