The PensionPro community spans all 50 states with TPAs who range in size from 20 plans to 10,000 plans. Here you can read stories, updates, and insights from both established and emerging leaders. Learn how PensionPros use technology to make their companies grow and become more profitable.

Less Risk, More Reward

With over three hundred TPA and actuarial firms on PensionPro, we are fortunate to have the opportunity to work through operational issues with our clients.…

News & Events

PensionPro of the Month: Benefit Plans Plus, LLC

Systematic and extraordinarily rapid growth is typically associated with success – new revenue, greater profits, and more clients. However, Benefit Plans Plus (BPP) knows all…

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Balancing Sales and Client Retention

Ask any business owner to choose what’s more important; existing client retention or new sales, and you’ll find the answer is both. Sales and retention…

News & Events

PensionPro of the Month: Actuarial Ideas, Inc

Client retention is the key to maintaining long-term profitability; it’s a cost-effective practice any TPA firm can use to improve their bottom-line. When retention is…

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Sales E”Fish”ency

At a recent conference, I heard TPA firm owners and managers lamenting the fact that, though they were adding plans at their normal rate, they…

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The Secret Sauce of Data Security

Nothing is ever truly safe. That is the uncomfortable truth about our world and certainly, connected information systems. It’s uncomfortable to think, and hard to…

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Measuring TPA Success

At a recent industry conference, I was asked to speak on the topic of TPA business success. While each person’s definition of success will be…

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