The PensionPro community spans all 50 states with TPAs who range in size from 20 plans to 10,000 plans. Here you can read stories, updates, and insights from both established and emerging leaders. Learn how PensionPros use technology to make their companies grow and become more profitable.

At a recent conference, I heard TPA firm owners and managers lamenting the fact that, though they were adding plans at their normal rate, they…

Winning business requires two things: good leads and follow up. Though the principal is basic, it can be easier said than done. Many TPAs struggle…

Nothing is ever truly safe. That is the uncomfortable truth about our world and certainly, connected information systems. It’s uncomfortable to think, and hard to…

Gathering data is no longer enough. In any industry, but especially among TPAs, the chief goal is charting the future – by way of enlightened…

At a recent industry conference, I was asked to speak on the topic of TPA business success. While each person’s definition of success will be…

From client onboarding to plan termination, asset reconciliation to 5500 filings — if it’s trackable, it’s tracked at the Hilb Group. “We pretty much use…

It’s getting to be that time of year again. Yes, the holidays are coming, but, as a TPA you know that shortly 92% of all…

Data security keeps most business owners up at night. Jan Davis sleeps better than most. President and owner of Noble-Davis Consulting, a TPA and record-keeping…

You’ve been watching the weather for a week and, slowly but surely, a large storm is headed toward your city. You take advantage of the…

Hurricane Harvey pummeled Houston and left much of the city submerged, but BOK Financial Asset Management was ready. “We hoped for the best and planned…